Message from HSM: Tomorrow is Breakfast with Buddies. Remember to bring your tickets and park in the teacher parking lot near the car line. You will use the crosswalk and enter the building near the cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
We were so excited to meet some of our newest Bulldogs today at registration! Look at those smiling faces!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: We apologize for the late notice, but bus 14 (Ms. Melton’s) will not run this afternoon. Please try to have your child picked up as a car rider, if possible. If your child cannot be a car rider, bus transportation will be provided later than normal (most likely after 4:00). Please Dojo your child’s about how your child will be going home. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Ms. Melton’s bus is running about 40 minutes behind this morning. We apologize for any inconvenience.
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: This is just a reminder that Bunny Pictures will take place tomorrow. Have a great evening, Bulldogs!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Congratulations to our 6th Grade Junior Beta Club inductees! We are so proud of your hard work!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: Tomorrow is Good News Club for those students who have signed up. Please, make sure your child knows if he or she will be staying. The club dismisses at 3:45. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: Tomorrow is Good News Club for those students who have signed up. Please, make sure your child knows if he or she will be staying. The club dismisses at 3:45. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Our 4th graders enjoyed being able to play their recorders at Converse College today! Way to go boys and girls!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: Tomorrow is Spring Picture Day!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
The blueberry parfaits were a hit! Thank you to Ms. Amanda and our cafeteria staff for all you do for our students!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: There was a battery issue with a bus this morning. Bus 14’s route will still run, but please expect delays.
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
The PTO meeting for today has been rescheduled. Please see below!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
 PTO meeting update
Reminder from HSM: Tomorrow is an Early Release Day. Students will dismiss at 11:30.
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Our 1st graders celebrated National Pig Day with tons of 🐷 activities, including a visit from Emit’s Farm & Adventure Park!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
PTO meeting new week!!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Please help us show our gratitude to these special ladies! They care about our students and drive with a smile! Happy Bus Driver Appreciation week!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: This is a reminder that Good News Club begins today for those of you that have already signed your child up. Please remember to have your car tag in your windshield when you come through the car line. Dismissal is at 3:45. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
**UPDATE: All power and phone lines have been restored in Spartanburg One. Thank you for your understanding and patience this afternoon. Due to a power outage in the area, normal phone lines are currently down at all Spartanburg One Schools, as well as the District Office. If you are trying to reach a school or the District Office, please call one of the following numbers: (864) 473-7066 (864) 909-5815 (864) 612-9447 Power is currently off at the District Office, Campobello Gramling School, and Landrum High School. We apologize for the inconvenience and will provide an update when our services are restored.
almost 2 years ago, Spartanburg One
Phone Lines
Message from HSM: We apologize for the late notice, but bus 14 (Ms. Melton’s) will not run this afternoon. Please try to have your child picked up as a car rider, if possible. If your child cannot be a car rider, bus transportation will be provided later than normal (most likely after 4:00). Please Dojo your child’s about how your child will be going home. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary