Our first RED Students of the Week are Cameryn, Ella, and Mollie, and Miles is our Academic Arts Student of the Week! #RespectExcellenceDetermination #LMSstudentsoftheweek #LiveLearnLandrum

LMS Volleyball tryouts start next week! Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 3:15 until 5:00. You must have a sports physical on file or you cannot attend tryouts. #LiveLearnLandrum #lmscardinalvolleyball

This is your chance to show your school pride and buy some LMS school spirit wear! Use this link: https://landrummiddle2022.itemorder.com/
The online store will only be open until August 24, so you must get your order in by then or it's too late! Orders will take 3-4 weeks to ship once the store closes on August 24. All orders will be shipped to the school. #LiveLearnLandrum

We can hardly wait to see you! Meet the Teacher night is this Thursday, August 11th from 5:00 pm until 6:30 pm. #LiveLearnLandrum

We love seeing these smiling faces! Registration is still open. Come see us until 6:00 pm today! #LiveLearnLandrum

We are looking forward to seeing everyone this Tuesday, August 2nd in our cafeteria for Registration Day! Don't forget to stop by Bojangles in Landrum for our Spirit Day! #LiveLearnLandrum

We are loving our new app! Access documents,
news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from
your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3xDVUoW
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3Me17HL