Save the Date! We would like to extend an invitation to all Landrum Middle School students and their parents/guardians to our first annual LMS PE Family Fun Night on Friday, May 3, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This exciting event will feature student versus parent/guardian events such as kickball, dodgeball, knockout, and other contests! To facilitate smooth event planning, we kindly request that all students pre-register. Forms will be sent home. Please submit your form along with $5 to Coach Searcy. Let's make this a memorable night of fun and fundraising for our PE program. Please note: Only LMS students may attend this event- no younger/older siblings. #LiveLearnLandrum

This week at LMS: Bring your chargers to school on Tuesday, April 16th. For $2, you can wear your pajamas to school also on Tuesday. SC Ready Writing field test is Wednesday, April 17th. Cardinal Movie Night is Friday, April 19th from 6:00-8:00 pm in our gym. $5 and LMS students only.

First Tee at LMS! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #FirstTee

We are checking chargers on Tuesday, April 16th. Please find your chargers and bring them to school so we can get all the chargers into the correct hands before turn-in at the end of the year. #LiveLearnLandrum

Icees will be available for $2 each during all lunches on Friday, April 12th. #LiveLearnLandrum

We are thrilled to announce that Mckensie Revels has been chosen as Landrum Middle School's Teacher of the Year! #LiveLearnLandum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalspotlight

This week at LMS: Please remember Monday is an e-Learning day. Students are aware of learning expectations. Too Tired Tuesdays are back! Bring in $2 and wear your pajamas to school on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, i-Ready testing begins - ELA on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Math on Thursday and Friday. #LiveLearnLandrum

This week at LMS: There is no school! Enjoy your Spring Break! Monday, April 8th is an e-Learning day. Students return to school on Tuesday, April 9th. #LiveLearnLandrum

A glimpse into 6th-grade's gem mining adventure today! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination

Mr. Wesley's ELA students worked together to solve a series of puzzles and decode clues as a review of their novel study, Tuck Everlasting. They successfully "broke out" of the library media center with Mrs. Moore! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellentDetermination

Cardinal Movie Night: Spring Edition is Friday, April 19th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. $5 admission at the door and concessions will also be available for sale. This is a fundraiser for our Jr. Beta Club. LMS students only. You may wear pajamas and bring pillows and blankets. No early birds. Doors will open at 6:00. Please be in line to pick up starting at 7:45. #LiveLearnLandrum #lmscardinalbetas

Too Tired Tuesdays are back! Every Tuesday in April (after Spring Break), bring in $2 and wear your pajamas or comfy clothes to school - students and staff can participate! This is a fundraiser for our Jr. Beta Club. #LiveLearnLandrum #lmscardinalbetas

Congratulations to our March RED Students of the Month! 8th-grade: Angel McDowell and Grayson Hall, 7th-grade: Luke Sprouse and Peyton Grant, 6th-grade: Amelia Jensen and Lev Yakovuk, Artists: Ava Campbell and Woody Finley, Athletes: Kate Smith and Ian Martin #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #LMSstudentsofthemonth

🎶 You are invited to the Landrum High School Rotunda on Thursday, March 28th, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM to meet Mr. Jonas Nix, Landrum High School's new band director! This will be a wonderful opportunity for our community to meet Mr. Nix before he begins next school year.
✨ Join us for light refreshments and to mingle with Mr. Nix, parents, students, and faculty. 🎵

This week at LMS...On Wednesday, we will be selling Chick-fil-A biscuits for $5 each in our morning car line. On Friday, our 7th and 8th-grade Chorus and Orchestra students will be traveling to Carowinds, and the Rock Guy will be visiting our 6th-grade students. Also on Friday, March Madness starts at 1:00. $5 to play and bring extra for concessions. #LiveLearnLandrum

The annual LMS March Madness Basketball Tournament will be on Friday, March 29! The cost is $5 to play, and students must get a permission slip signed and returned by Thursday, March 28. Turn in your permission slip and $5 to Mrs. Ballentine, Mrs. Rotton, or Ms. Brooks. #LiveLearnLandrum

Next Wednesday, March 27th, we will be selling Chick-fil-A biscuits in our morning car line. $5 each, first come, first served! #LiveLearnLandrum

A glimpse into our 7th-grade adventure at Dollywood. Photos courtesy of Mr. Millwood. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination

In 6th-grade science lab, Mrs. Rakes' students made edible soil horizon models. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination

A look at our 8th-grade trip to Colonial Williamsburg last week! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination