We've got chickens! #LiveLearnLandrum #landrumFFA #lmsagricultureeducation

Wow! John Parker Branyon, we are so proud of YOU! JP is a 7th grader at LMS. He has been selected as the Piedmont Division's D-team Player of the Year! Way to go, JP! #LiveLearnLandrum #lhsdteamfootball #RespectExcellenceDetermination

Our Cardinal Closet can be used by anyone! Spill something on your clothing or accidentally tear it? There may be something in the closet to help you get through the day. Forgot your deodorant or to brush your teeth because you were in a rush? The Cardinal closet can help. Our community has been very generous with donations for our Cardinal Closet and we want to thank everyone, especially our PTO, for helping fulfill this need. There are a few more items needed to make our closet complete. Our Jr. Beta Club is collecting these. Please send your donations to our school's library media center or with any Jr. Beta Club member. Thank you! #LiveLearnLandrum #lmscardinalbetas

Mrs. Rakes' science students completed a STEAM challenge this week. How many drops of "blood" will a penny hold? #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #Halloween23

Congratulations to Ella! She made Region 1 orchestra from her audition on 10/7 and will be attending the clinic along with 9 other District 1 students on 11/17-11/18 at Spartanburg High. Our region of SCMEA Orchestra Division includes all of Cherokee, Chester, Lancaster, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg, Union, and York counties. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalorchestra

Happy Halloween - part2! #LiveLearnLandrum #Halloween23

Happy Halloween - part1! #LiveLearnLandrum #Halloween23

We are welcoming another new baby to the Nest! Elliott Wren Eubanks was born this weekend and weighed 8lbs and 14oz! Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Haley Eubanks (Computer Science). #LiveLearnLandrum

This week at LMS: Basketball tryouts Monday - Oct 30, Tuesday - Oct 31, and Wednesday - Nov 1. Boys: 3:15-5:00 pm. Girls: 5:15-7:00 pm. Must have a sports physical on file to participate. Tuesday is Halloween. You may wear costumes to school, but please review the costume rules. Cardinal Movie Night has been rescheduled to Friday, Nov 3, 6:00-8:00 pm. Admission is $5. Bring extra for concessions. You may wear your pajamas and bring a pillow and blanket. #LiveLearnLandrum

Red Ribbon Week - Day 5! #LiveLearnLandrum #redribbonweek23

Congratulations to our awesome Volleyball team! Awards received at their banquet earlier today:
Kate Smith - MVP, All-Conference, and Conference Player of the Year,
Anna-Carlisle Keim - Best Defense, All-Conference,
Emily Greene - Best offense, All-Conference,
Karmyn Bligen - Most Improved,
Emalynn Bright - Hustle Award,
Summer Pruitt - Most Improved (not pictured),
Charlotte Cooper - Team First Award (not pictured),
Zoey Blackwell - Coaches Award (not pictured).
Way to go, Cards! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalvolleyball

Students in Coach Searcy's PE class recently completed a peer evaluation assignment. Students took turns evaluating and grading each other's free throw shooting techniques. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination

Red Ribbon Week - Day 4! #LiveLearnLandrum #redribbonweek23

Congratulations to our RED students of the month! 6th grade: Ollie Atkins and Paislee Quinn, 7th grade: Madi Ravan and Alejandro Eriza, 8th grade: Estefani Borja and Eli Smith, Academic Arts: Miles Robinson and Olivia Gates, Athletics: Z. Poore and Calli Williams #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmsstudentsofthemonth

Red Ribbon Week - Day 3! #LiveLearnLandrum #redribbonweek23

A reminder about wearing Halloween costumes to school on Tuesday, October 31st. #LiveLearnLandrum

More Twins, Triplets, and even a set of Quints! #LiveLearnLandrum #redribbonweek23

After wrapping up their novel study of The Boys Who Challenged Hitler and in order to understand the book and its characters more deeply and imaginatively, Mr. Millwood's Cohort class found quiet spaces to record their podcasts. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination

Red Ribbon Week - Day 2! #LiveLearnLandrum #redribbonweek23

Tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct 25th) is the last chance to order your Chick-fil-A lunch for Friday, October 27th. $8 Turn your money into Mrs. Ballentine, Mrs. Rotton, or Mrs. Quinn. #LiveLearnLandrum #lmscardinalbetas