Support our FFA at Landrum Middle School. See any LMS Ag-Ed student or stop by our front office to order a t-shirt. They are available in Red and Gray and are $20 each. #LiveLearnLandrum #landrumffa #lmsagricultureeducation
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
LMS Ag-Ed fundraising tshirt
LMS Ag-Ed fundraising tshirt
Mrs. Revels' Appreciation of the Arts students enjoyed some creative time outdoors at FENCE today. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
LMS Art students at FENCE
LMS Art students at FENCE
LMS Art students at FENCE
LMS Art students at FENCE
Hogback Mountain from FENCE
Here's a look at Mr. Williams' hardworking Ag-Ed students at FFA day at the Landrum Farmer's Market on Saturday. Thanks to all who came out to support agriculture education! #LiveLearnLandrum #LandrumFFA #lmsagricultureeducation #RespectExcellenceDetermination
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
LMS at FFA day at the Landrum Farmer's Market
LMS at FFA day at the Landrum Farmer's Market
LMS at FFA day at the Landrum Farmer's Market
Our Veterans Day Program will be on Friday, November 10th at 9:10 AM in our gymnasium. This form is being sent home with students today. If you'd like to invite a veteran to our program, please send in the form or contact Mr. Kirkland. #LiveLearnLandrum
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
LMS Veterans Day program guest form
Red Ribbon Week - Day 1! #LiveLearnLandrum #redribbonweek23
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
LMS RED day for Red Ribbon Week
LMS RED day for Red Ribbon Week
LMS RED day for Red Ribbon Week
LMS RED day for Red Ribbon Week
LMS RED day for Red Ribbon Week
This week at LMS: Monday is Wear Red. Tuesday is Twin Day. Wednesday is hat day. Thursday is Hawaiian Day. Friday is Team Colors Day. Chick-fil-A lunch special is Friday, but pre-orders are due by Wednesday, October 25th - $8. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
This week at LMS
Red ribbon week
Due to the recent power outage in Landrum, we have made the decision to postpone our Cardinal Movie Night. Stay safe, and we will reschedule soon!
over 1 year ago, Spartanburg One
LMS Cardinal Movie Night Postponed
Mrs. Quinn's classes completed the marshmallow challenge. They were given 20 spaghetti noodles, a yard of string, a yard of tape, and a regular-sized marshmallow. They competed to build the largest free-standing tower with the marshmallow on the top using only the materials given. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
8th-graders marshmallow challenge
8th-graders marshmallow challenge
8th-graders marshmallow challenge
8th-graders marshmallow challenge
8th-graders marshmallow challenge
8th-graders marshmallow challenge
Don't forget your money tomorrow! We will be selling Chick-fil-A biscuits for $5 each in our morning car line. Also, tomorrow is our Cardinal Movie Night. $5 admission plus extra for concessions. Drop off in front of the gym at 6:00 PM. No early birds, please. Pick-up line at 7:45 PM #LiveLearnLandrum
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
biscuit fundraiser
Cardinal movie night
Mr. Williams' Ag-Ed students enjoying FFA Day at the SC State Fair. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #LandrumFFA #lmsagricultureeducation #SCStateFair
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
Landrum FFA at the SC State Fair
Landrum FFA at the SC State Fair
Landrum FFA at the SC State Fair
Landrum FFA at the SC State Fair
Our 6th grade had a great trip to Thompson Family Farms yesterday! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #ThompsonFamilyFarmsSC
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
6th graders at Thompson Family Farms
6th graders at Thompson Family Farms
6th graders at Thompson Family Farms
6th graders at Thompson Family Farms
6th graders at Thompson Family Farms
6th graders at Thompson Family Farms
6th graders at Thompson Family Farms
LMS basketball tryouts are October 30-November 1. Boys will try out each day from 3:15-5:00 PM and girls will try out each day from 5:15-7:00 PM. All participants must have a physical on file. #LiveLearnLandrum #lmscardinalbasketball
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
LMS basketball tryouts
Way to go, Cardinals and Coaches Searcy, Brannon, and Bradley! Our LMS Volleyball team wins the Regular Season Championship going undefeated 10-0. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalvolleyball
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
LMS volleyball season champs
#tootiredtuesday #lmscardinalbetas #LiveLearnLandrum
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
Too Tired Tuesday
Too Tired Tuesday
Too Tired Tuesday
Too Tired Tuesday
Too Tired Tuesday
Too Tired Tuesday
Too Tired Tuesday
Too Tired Tuesday
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! Monday wear RED. Tuesday be twins. Wednesday wear a hat. Thursday dress for a luau. Friday wear your favorite team colors. #DEARedRibbon #LiveLearnLandrum
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
Red Ribbon week at LMS
Our Jr. Beta Club is offering a special lunch on Friday, October 27th. $8 includes a Chick-fil-A sandwich, chips, and a drink. Pre-order by Wednesday, October 25th by turning in your money to Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Rotton, or Mrs. Ballentine. #LiveLearnLandrum #lmscardinalbetas
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
chicken sandwich fundraiser
This week at LMS...Too Tired Tuesday - $2 to wear your pajamas. 7th grade vision screening on Wednesday and 7th grade hearing screening on Thursday. Chick-fil-A biscuits for sale Friday in the morning car line. $5 each. Cardinal movie night Friday from 6:00-8:00 PM in our gymnasium. $5 admission plus extra for concessions. (LMS students only.) #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
This week at LMS
Come support our Ag-Ed and FFA programs next Saturday, Oct 21st from 9 am until 1 pm at the Landrum Farmer's Market! #LiveLearnLandrum #landrumfarmersmarket #lmsagricultureeducation #landrumffa
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
FFA day at the farmer's market
Mrs. Ballentine's classes wrapped up their unit on Ancient India this week by building Stupas. Students were tasked with using their resources to build a Stupa strong enough to withstand the monsoon seasons of India. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
6th grade social studies students
6th grade social studies students
6th grade social studies students
6th grade social studies students
6th grade social studies students
6th grade social studies students
6th grade social studies students
6th grade social studies students
Our next Cardinal Movie Night is Friday, October 20th from 6:00-8:00 pm. Please drop off at the gym (not before 6:00 pm, please.) Only LMS students will be admitted. Admission is $5 and there will be concessions available to purchase. This is a fundraiser for our Jr. Beta Club. #LiveLearnLandrum #lmscardinalbetas #cardinalmovienight
over 1 year ago, Landrum Middle School
lms fall movie night