This Tuesday, Oct 17th, we are having another Too Tired Tuesday fundraiser. Pay $2 and wear your PJs to school. #LiveLearnLandrum #tootiredtuesday #lmscardinalbetas

Our Pink Out Pep Rally was a blast! We should have had a decibel meter. The spirit stick battle was so close, but the 6th grade came out on top. Congratulations to ALL of our fall athletes and coaches, and to Baylee and Tanner for winning the knockout contests (fundraisers for the Special Olympics!) #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #pinkoutpeprally

Save the date! Our fall semi-formal dance, Autumn's in the Air, will be Friday, Nov 17th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM in our cafeteria. $5 admission and concessions will also be available for sale. LMS students only. Questions about dresses should be sent to Dr. Walker for approval. #LiveLearnLandrum

Today is our last home D-team football game. The game starts at 5:00 at LHS Cardinal Stadium. #LiveLearnLandrum #lhsdteamfootball

One Friday each month, we have STEAM days. Here's a look at a few creature catchers, a bone bridge, and a treat toss. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmssteamdays

Our 8th-grade Jr. Betas experienced their first Leadership Summit this week. They participated in two leadership sessions, officer training, and a collaboration connection competition, and of course, had a great time at Great Wolf Lodge! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalbetas #betaleadership

1st round tournament play tonight at 5:00. We are hosting. Come out at 5:00 to support our Lady Cards! Let's go Cards! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalvolleyball

Wear Pink on Thursday! Our Pink Out Pep Rally will recognize all of our fall athletes and show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmspinkoutpeprally

School picture re-takes are this Friday, October 13th.

Feeding the goats before class starts... #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmsagricultureeducation

This week at LMS: Monday is an early release day. Students are dismissed at noon. Also on Monday, our 8th-grade Beta Club departs for their 2-day field trip. Wednesday is the first round of the volleyball tournament. The game starts at 5.
Thursday is our last home D-team football game. It also starts at 5, but we are celebrating with a Pink Out-themed pep rally for all of our fall sports athletes. Friday is school picture make-up day. #LiveLearnLandrum

Our Ag-Ed students are hard at work. They have big plans to transform our courtyards. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmsagricultureeducation

#whereswatry At D-team football, of course! Our photographers last night were Anna-Carlisle, Kara, and Kate. #LiveLearnLandrum #LHSdteamfootball

We are blessed to welcome two new Cardinals to the Nest this week! Ellie James Parker was born on 10/4/23 at 9:30 pm and weighed 7lbs 11 oz. Lakyn Anne Morris was born 10/5/23 at 5:47 am and weighed 7lbs 4 oz. Congratulations to Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Morris! #LiveLearnLandrum

8th-grade Volleyball recognition. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalvolleyball

They did it again! Our Lady Cardinals remain undefeated. Tournament play starts next week. Let's go Cards! (Special shoutout to yearbook photographer Mati for capturing these great shots!) #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalvolleyball

Our D-Team Cardinals take on Clifdale today at 5:00 pm at LHS Cardinal Stadium. Come out to support our players and cheerleaders! Let's go Cards! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination

It's game day for our Lady Cards! Come out to support them today at 5:00 as they take on Woodruff. Let's go Cards! #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalvolleyball

Thanks for supporting our Jr. Beta Club! We will have another Too Tired Tuesday in 2 weeks on October 17th. #tootiredtuesday #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalbetas

All of our student council candidates delivered fantastic speeches yesterday! Our newly elected officers are President Patrick Pittman, Vice-President Zoey Provo, Secretary Lily McCarter, and Treasurer Chole Shouck. #LiveLearnLandrum #RespectExcellenceDetermination #lmscardinalstuco